Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sunday, 26th December 2010, Lanzarote

Lanzarote - and for once we're delighted to be here.

Two other Fred Olsen ships, the  Black Watch and the Balmoral, are in port as well as Cunard's Queen Victoria.  And a rare opportunity was on offer - the chance to visit one of Fred's sister ships for a guided tour.  We decided to go and have a look at Balmoral to refresh our memories of what we liked about her.  When you've cruised on a few different ships you forget which one had what!  Balmoral is the largest Fred ship, carrying about 1300 passengers, and is slightly more glitzy than the others.  We decided we would definitely like to cruise on her again (Please note this Julie!)

It's sunny today and quite warm, lots of people have suddenly switched to wearing shorts and sandals.  Dave had a couple of hours sunbathing on the balcony.

We seem to be developing an evening routine.  Early dinner, then back to the cabin to watch a dvd and eat chocolate, then out at about 10pm to sample any entertainment on offer.  Tonight was a comedian, Peter Antony, so we settled into a large comfy sofa at the back of the Neptune lounge and waited to be amused.  Sadly not -he was another relic from 'The Comedians' era, and his act was old fashioned, unfunny and borderline racist.

We sailed away from Arrecife about 11pm and once out at sea, with the lights of the island twinkling in the distance, went out on deck to watch a few members of the crew do a short cabaret beside the swimming pool at the back of the ship.  The Boudicca Orchestra accompanied them, as passengers watched from the bars and tiered decks overlooking the pool.  Quite a magical experience, enjoyed by everyone.

What a great day this has been - apart from the toilet breaking down intermittently!


  1. Broken toilet - oh no!!
    Well you are having a good time and I wish we would have come with you - it sounds a great experience. The chocolate seems to be lasting a long time or did Santa bring more?

  2. Santa brought more! Also, don't you remember, 'someone' persuaded me that I needed chocolates on the tree too.
    And as to the toilet, well Dave is blogging about it at the moment, so watch this space!
    x J

  3. Hello Jammybun, we have been reading your blog but it has taken me this long to remember my blogger password and therefore post a comment!
    There have been times over the past few days when sailing away from it all has seemed like a good idea but mother in law has gone home now.....
