Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day at Sea!


Sea still a little choppy, but the sun is shining and it's warm enough to sit on the balcony (wearing fleece!)

We're now at sea, on a level with the southern-most tip of Portugal.

Had breakfast in the cabin, and opened the few presents that Santa had left.  Then went to watch some of the senior managment team, including the Captain, don antlers and take part in the reindeer racing game.  Great fun, and we got more mulled wine forced on us, plus mince pies and chocolates.

So lunch in a while, and then another formal evening tonight, preceded by Santa's Cocktail Party - yes, he's arrived onboard ship and is apparently happy to stay with us all day!

Hope you are all having as much fun as we are.  Merry Christmas everyone!



  1. WOW This really sounds good and not a pot to be washed ! Just awaiting visitors and wondering how to get everything cooked at the same time - thank goodness for the hostess trolley !
    Well the alcohol intake sounds good - and free wine again tonight with the cruise director - sounds perfect
    Still missing you both
    Love from Julie and Dave xx

  2. Yes, after my pre-cruise anxiety, we're settled in and enjoying the ship. Demographic isn't quite so ancient as last time - and there is only one child born 'after 2000' (according to Stein) onboard, and a few teenagers, but we've seen little of them. More later. We have Lanzarote today and ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!!!! (Yes, Julie, really.) xx
